Are you aware of all the junk hiding in most toothpaste? Food dyes, artificial flavorings…even fluoride! Many of the harmful ingredients are making recent headlines. The “experts” are finally saying some of the things we’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years! And this is what we’re supposed to hand our kids to put in their mouths? Click on any of the common ingredients below for more.
- Artificial Food Dyes – “The dye was removed from cosmetics nearly 35 years ago due to potential cancer risk” and it’s just now being banned by the FDA.
- Artificial Flavorings – “Artificial food flavorings are synthetic chemicals designed to mimic natural tastes, but their safety has come into question. Studies suggest they can cause allergic reactions and even behavioral changes in children. “
- Fluoride – “Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders and thyroid disease…”
- Triclosan: “Banned from soap in 2016, but still found in toothpaste.
- Propylene Glycol – “The third ‘product’ in a chemical process beginning with propene, a byproduct of fossil fuel.”
- Saccharin – “Common side effects of aspartame include headaches, migraines, mood disorders, dizziness and episodes of mania.”
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate – “Can be easily absorbed…and has the power to build up in your internal organs, increasing the potential for related long-term health problems.”
- Titanium Dioxide – “Can potentially accumulate in our bodies…associated with health risks such as DNA damage and immune system toxicity.”

If you want something clean and made with 100% natural plant-based ingredients, I have good news for you! CLICK HERE to order the toothpaste I use. Or how about I show you how easy, inexpensive, and healthy it is to make your own?
We’ve been using an essential oil-based toothpaste for years, but many natural toothpastes are too minty for some kids (my kids were weird and loved it – the mintier the better), but my grandkids tastes are a little fruitier.
So I thought I’d share with you how super easy (and inexpensive) it is to make it yourself!! Let the kids help – they’ll be more likely to brush!
I felt like the Citrus Fresh and Vitality Drops gave it a nice fruity balance and, combined with the baking soda, it kind of reminded me of cookie dough (thus the name).
Orange sugar cookie Kids Toothpaste
- 4 T. Baking Soda
- 2 droppers full Phyto Nutrition (optional) – for tooth and gum health
- 6 tsp. MCT Oil (can include Phyto Nutrition in this measurement)
- 5-10 drops Citrus Fresh Essential Oil
- 1 tsp. Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops
- Refillable Toothpaste Tube (or small jar)