a little bit
about me
Welcome! I’m Stacy McDonald, founder of the Common Scents Mom!
Probably like you, I was looking for healthier options for my family and me. What I found in Young Living was so much more than I ever thought possible. Natural answers that made me less dependent on mainstream health gurus.
Young Living offered me solid solutions and a community of passionate people empowered to make changes. If you are ready to try something better, I’m here to link arms with you! I would love to help you find YOUR answers!
In the Common Scents Community you’ll find information and tips for using plants in your everyday living. When God created the herbs, flowers, trees, and shrubs, He blessed us with powerful essential oils that can be used in cooking, promoting health and wellness, cleaning, scenting the home, massage, relaxation, fighting germs, romance, bonding, and dealing with emotions. Watch A Journey Through the Oils of Ancient Scripture HERE.
My Story
I began using essential oils in 2001 simply because I was looking for more natural household cleaning options. I was also interested in making my own perfumes with essential oils. However, in March 2010, after a family friend introduced me to Young Living, I found the “good stuff,” and I began to experience the powerful benefits of pure premium grade essential oils. Before that, I hadn’t realized there was such a distinct difference. I had no idea there were oils that had the potential to do so much more than just smell good!
In January 2011, while my husband still joked about my “snake oils,” I launched The Common Scents Mom. You can read here about My Journey Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue. In the early days, I simply viewed teaching about essential oils as an extension of my ministry to other women. I wanted them to be equipped to take control of their own health, and to be able to minister to their families naturally like I was doing. I had no interest in a business. When I say “I would do this whether or not I got paid,” I lived it!

But, soon, the oils began to kind of “sell themselves.” Or at least that’s how it felt. I just kept talking about them and teaching how to use them and BOOM! Other women started wanting in on it. I mean…how could they not want this? And when you’re passionate about something, it’s just natural to talk about it…a lot!
Word kept spreading and my team kept growing! Soon, I started getting what I used to refer to as “accidental paychecks.” Not because there was no effort involved, but because I wasn’t looking for a paycheck! My motive was teaching and sharing about whatever I was excited about, whether or not I got paid.
Of course, the extra cash helped, but I still didn’t see the potential ahead. So I just kept doing what I loved: Connecting with other women and teaching them about the oils I was obsessed with. I taught online, in videos, at events, at vendor fairs, in living rooms, at kitchen tables, on my website, and even on social media. Women’s lives were being changed as they embraced a new lifestyle, got healthier, and became empowered to take care of their own health (and finances!). “Detox Your Life” became a reality.
I saw women who had been living toxic, chemical-laden, stress-filled lives finally realize they didn’t have to live that way! They had choices! And guess what? They started to heal, gain confidence, and feel so much better! And my business exploded!
I had been into herbs, homeopathy, homebirthing, healthy eating, etc. for years. So, at first, my husband saw my oils as another one of my “health kicks,” but eventually, he stopped joking about my “snake oils” and started asking me, “Do you have an oil for this?” He started to witness what the oils could do, saw the change in me (and how they helped the kids), and I think he was more than a little impressed with my paycheck. He was a great support during those years of building. And, as a homeschool mom of ten, it would have been a struggle to do it all without his support.
The Common Scents organization is helping thousands of families experience renewed health and emotional freedom! Stress, toxic chemicals, unnecessary drugs, poor eating habits, and financial hardship all contribute to poor health. The Young Living lifestyle was a game changer on so many levels!

In October 2014, The Common Scents Team achieved the rank of Diamond in Young Living! Crown Diamond in March 2017! And Royal Crown Diamond in November 2018! Life looks different than it did back then, but I am still just as passionate about helping to equip women with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their own health and establish a mindset for success! Find out how this can be you! I can’t wait to share with you more of what I’ve learned! Please feel free to reach out!
Subscribe to my Youtube channel HERE to get creative wellness tips, oil education, and fresh hospitality hacks!
I would love to schedule some time to chat and make sure you’re plugged in to our community in the very best way, so let me know what times work best for you!
Abundantly Yours,

Brand Partner – Young Living Royal Crown Diamond #1137177