frequently asked



Essential oils are liquid, volatile, organic compounds that come from the flowers, shrubs, trees, roots, and bushes that God gave us at Creation. These are aromatic oils which have been carefully extracted through steam distillation or cold expression; and, are highly concentrated. The fact that they are volatile means that they pass off readily into a vapor – that’s what makes them aromatic. Read more HERE.

There are many different aromatherapy models for using essential oils. The one that Young Living and our family personally adhere to is the French model. This includes inhalation, topical use, and oral consumption.

  • Inhalation – Inhale straight from the bottle, rub a drop between your hands and breathe in deeply, mix with water and spray into the air, or better yet, use a cold air diffuser (a good one comes with your starter kit).
  • Topical – Apply essential oils directly to your skin. Certain (spicy) oils should be diluted with a fatty oil (olive oil, coconut oil etc.). Also, dilution is recommended when using essential oils on children.
  • Internal Use – Young Living Therapeutic Grade essential oils that are labeled as “supplements” are considered GRAS (Generally regarded as safe) and can be used internally. Certain oils can be placed in an empty gel capsule, dropped directly on the tongue, or added to honey or your favorite beverage. Many people find them great for cooking! Read HERE why it’s important to only use Young Living essential oils – especially if you’re using them internally. In addition, many people add certain essential oils to their suppositories. Purity matters!

While essential oils are safe to use when used correctly, and a natural part of any plant, they should always be handled with care. They are a concentrated and potent form of the plant’s beneficial properties. You should think of them like any other powerful product you might keep in your house. Make sure to store bottles out of the reach of curious children and pets.

Essential oils are liquid, volatile, organic compounds that come from the flowers, shrubs, trees, roots, and bushes that God gave us at Creation. These are aromatic oils which have been carefully extracted through steam distillation or cold expression; and, are highly concentrated. The fact that they are volatile means that they pass off readily into a vapor – that’s what makes them aromatic. Read more HERE.

Young Living’s essential oils do not have expiration dates. They will evaporate over time if the lid is not properly secured, but they will not spoil. However, if you dilute your essential oil with a fatty oil to apply it, any leftover mixture could go rancid over a period of time. It is recommended that you only mix what you need at the time of application.

Do you realize that if I put ten drops of lavender in a bottle of sweet almond oil most people would smell it and think it was a “pure” bottle of essential oils? They wouldn’t know the difference. That’s what often happens. People believe they’re getting a “great deal” on their $7.00 bottle of lavender; when, in fact, they just spent $7.00 for ten drops of an inferior essential oil.

In addition, it is very likely that even those ten drops have no therapeutic value, and may be adulterated with synthetics! In this case, they are getting ripped off!

Do some research. You will find that most essential oil companies are just brokers. They’re buying their oils from various sources around the world in barrels, and they’re bottling it themselves. Most oils are perfume grade and are cut with other chemicals. It is scary when you consider that people may try to use those oils on their children the same way I’m using my Young Living oils. I have to stress the purity issue out of a concern for your safety!

Most essential oils on the market are not “therapeutic grade,” and most are not 100% pure, regardless of how they are labeled. The problem is that these terms are not regulated by anyone. So, all I can do is tell you what WE mean when we use the term “therapeutic grade,” and then invite you to compare that definition to other companies.

In fact, as far as I know, Young Living (YL) is the only company that owns their own farms and distilleries; so that right there disqualifies most other companies.

Here are just a few red flags to check for on a bottle of essential oils. If you see these terms, beware. Do your research:

  1. DO NOT INGEST – If a bottle of food-based oils (cinnamon, peppermint, oregano etc.) is labeled this way, that is a red flag to me. YL oils labeled as “supplements” are GRAS (generally regarded as safe) for internal consumption by the the FDA.
  2. DO NOT APPLY TO SKIN UNDILUTED – Certain “spicy” oils should be diluted, but many YL oils can be applied neat (undiluted). If a mild oil like lavender or frankincense has this type of warning I would beware.
  3. $ – Quality essential oils cost a lot of money to grow and distill. If a bottle of lavender costs you $5.00, you can bet it is either cut with a carrier oil (which means you’re getting ripped off) or it’s very poor quality.
  4. EXPIRATION DATE – Properly stored essential oils (excluding citrus) do not go bad. If an essential oil has an expiration date, it could mean it is cut with a carrier oil (which will eventually go rancid).

Check out Young Living’s 5 step Seed to Seal™ process: Seed – Cultivate – Distill – Test – Seal.

Check out the links below for further reading...

By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Ann Sanders

    Hey Stacy….I was at the tea yesterday in Aurora. Thank you so much for your encourgement. It was a wonderful day.
    I was wondering about being a distributer for Young Living. Do you do parties? How do you go about selling it? Is it just word of mouth and also your website? My husband does not really want me bugging people or pushing parties, so he and I were just wondering how this works?

  2. Stacy McDonald

    Hi Anne,

    Thank you! It was a great blessing to share with the ladies at ICHE!

    I haven’t done any “parties,” but that might be fun. 😉 So far, it’s just been word of mouth and my blog/Facebook. I know what you mean – I don’t want to bug people either – not my personality. Since I use the oils, people notice, and they wind up asking about it. I rarely bring up the topic on my own.

    If you have anymore questions, feel free to give me a call.You can read more HERE about how to supplement your income by sharing about Young Living oils.

  3. Stephany Morris

    I am interested in becoming part of your team, however it is asking for a sponser/Enroller Id. Can you help?

  4. Stacy McDonald

    Hi Stephany,

    My ID is 1137177. It should pop in automatically if you click through my site.

    Please feel free to call me anytime if you have any questions or need help. I’d be glad to walk you through the process.

  5. Becky

    i didnt find a way to contact you to ask this question another way (i dont have outlook set up on my computer-family computer) and your contact button wanted to open outlook. anyways, im really wanting to use essential oils but im very particular about scents, which makes me a bit wary to order them online. yet i dont know what to look for when looking for stores that might sell essential oils in my area. any advice would be wonderful. thanks 🙂 if you want to email me back that is fine too. its rebbieann87 at gmail dot com i look forward to hearing from you

  6. Stacy McDonald

    Hi Becky,

    I have always been very sensitive to scents as well, so I have been thrilled to find essential oils, which are totally different than synthetic scents (think smelling fresh squeezed lemon verses smelling lemon air freshener). Synthetic scents give many people headaches or nausea, and can cause allergic reactions. Read HERE to learn more about what essential oils are.

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to people who “hate” scents, and then discover they have a totally different reaction to essential oils. Also, not all essential oils are the same in quality. In fact, lower quality oils can be no better than synthetic scents, in the fact that some are cut with chemicals that make them quite toxic. You can read more about that HERE.

  7. Michelle Cook

    Hi Stacy, awhile ago you had suggestions of what oils to get for our initial medicine cabinet instead of using danger chemicals. Where can I find that piece that use to be on your website? Thank you in advance and have a blessed day.


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