The last couple of years have been tough on the entire nation, and our people have taken their own hits. But I have been so blessed by the overwhelming feedback I’ve gotten over the last few days.
Builders who had taken a step back now yearn for the exciting community and energy we had before the pandemic. People are getting together again and teams are starting to get active and grow again! LIFE!
But a common response I received went something like this:
“Stacy, I want to jump back in, but don’t know where to start – I know some things have changed, but I’m not sure what.”
So this next class is especially for you! Don’t miss out on this special Brand Partner Overview.
A few exciting things we will discuss:
- Website Updates
- Creating Customized Wishlist (bundles)
- How to Share your Link
- Greatly Improved Payout
- Team Resources and videos for home gatherings & vendor events
- Current Incentives
Watch our Brand Partner Refresh video HERE
And check out our 2023 Convention Recap Presentation. The first portion explains the new products and kits, while the second portion (29:20 minute mark) discusses the business updates, and exciting enrollment incentives!