Juicy, organic, free-range, herb-roasted chicken or… animal-shaped chicken nuggets and ketchup?
Organic, grass-fed beef with melted garlic butter or… a Whopper with Cheese?
Flamed Creme Brûlée or… a jelly-filled donut?
Organic high-end cheese from grass-fed, free-roaming animals, fresh figs, sweet local honey, and a good glass of Merlot or… spray cheese and Mountain Dew?
Need sleep? How about a soothing massage with quality aromatic essential oils or…resting in a room with synthetic room spray after popping pills with dangerous side effects?
Your Choice.
This Post Has One Comment
I crashed from adrenal exhaustion at age 47 (took 1 full year to recover) and then crashed again at age 59 (5 years ago). Recovery has been much more difficult this time -still searching for some answers. I have read and followed Dr. Lam’s Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome for a couple of years, did the GAPS diet to heal gut, had cavitation surgery on my teeth and used YLEO for 4 years. Still cannot handle much stress. Any suggestions?
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