mom child bed

DIY Throat Spray

We’ve been making this immune supporting throat spray since my kids were little and, in addition to the long-term benefits of the oils in it, this improved recipe is super soothing! Beyond anything I’ve used before! 

Since I started adding our new power-packed Deep Spectra Phyto Nutrition, as well as Young Living’s Clove essential oil, I feel like this version is far superior to my old recipe! 

I was always a little paranoid about “choking hazards ” when my kids were little. I didn’t even allow Legos in the house until my babies were of a certain age, so using a spray instead of lozenges was part of my love language. Anyone else get this? Where are my people? 

I love helping women take control of their own health, so they don’t have to run to the doctor with their kids every five minutes! So gather a few friends around the kitchen table and make a batch! It even tastes good!

Want more info on Deep Spectra and Phyto Nutrition? Click HERE to watch a recording of our recent Deep Spectra class.

You can also modify the recipe below by adding a tsp. or so of brandy instead of the sweetener!

Printable Class Resource Guide and Table Sign Available exclusively for CST Brand Partners. Contact your sponsor or Stacy for details.


Immune Support Wishlist HERE


Get your Honey and Glass Bottles HERE


And get your oils and Phyto Nutrition HERE



Make my DIY Throat Elixir Here

Same powerful oils, but in a soothing syrup instead!


To get started using therapeutic-grade essential oils with your family, I recommend purchasing Young Living’s amazing Premium Starter Kit & get personalized help from me! Click here to shop!

You may notice that I sometimes link to products for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Additionally, I am a Young Living Brand Partner, and your wellness purchases through my links help support my small business. Thank you for your support!

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By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.