
No Longer “All Shook Up”

Originally published on The Common Scents Mom in 2012

For years, my husband, James, struggled with trembling hands.

His shaking hands started to manifest in his early forties, and increased over the course of time. The shaking has always been more noticeable after any sort of physical or emotional stress: after mowing the yard, heavy lifting, walking in the heat, lack of sleep, fatigue, or during emotionally stressful times. At times, his shaking would intensify to a point where even holding a glass of water steady was impossible.

This nagging irritation even manifested on Sunday mornings when James would step into the pulpit or serving communion. While the shaking is not debilitating, it can be very frustrating; and, at times, it has impacted my husband’s ability to write or even hold a fork steady. I could tell it was also sometimes embarrassing to him.

So, we began to research how supplements, diet, and even essential oils may help.

“One of the first signs of a dopamine deficiency is the occurrence of tremors, which often first appear in the hands.” –

We looked for solutions; but, like Katherine Hepburn (who experienced similar challenges), we never really found much hope. Part of the reason for that may be that scientists are still trying to understand the reasons why these sorts of things occur in the first place.

There is so much about the brain, and our fearfully/wonderfully made bodies, that is simply unknown. Recently James read a report linking hand shaking to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Another study, based on brain autopsies from 50 deceased persons who, when alive, had experienced shaking hands, also showed a pattern of “messy” neurofilEmmaaments, which can impede nerve impulses, as well as abnormalities with neurons that produce GABA, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter. Genetic problems, as well as dopamine levels and their responses, may also be to blame.

It is interesting to note that low dopamine levels are associated with Parkinson’s Disease, which also cause involuntary shaking (manifested somewhat differently, however).

Wolfberry (the main ingredient in Young Living’s Ningxia Red) contains 1.4% of the branched chain amino acid L-leucine as well as significant amounts of tyrosine which is a key building block for dopamine production. Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain that decreases with age. – Essential Oil Desk Reference

Based on this information, we decided to find ways to improve James’ health and hopefully alleviate some of his shaking. The results have been amazing!

James has been drinking a few drops of peppermint in his water daily for over a year; which, in addition to positive physical benefits, has also helped him cut back significantly on his coffee intake (caffeine exacerbates the problem). Though starting the Master Formula, the NingXia Red (2-oz. per day), and drinking 2-3 (20 oz.) glasses of “peppermint water” each day demonstrated the first and most dramatic improvement, we added to his protocol, and this is the daily regimen he is currently using:

  • Master Formula –  is a full spectrum, multinutrient complex, providing premium vitamins, minerals, and food-based nutriment to support general health and well-being. By utilizing a Synergistic Suspension Isolation process – SSI Technology – ingredients are delivered in three distinct delivery forms. Collectively, these ingredients provide a premium, synergistic complex to support your body.
  • Super B: Super B is a comprehensive vitamin complex containing eight essential and energy-boosting B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. The complete B-vitamin profile in Super B not only helps maintain normal energy levels, but it also helps support the nervous system, aids in maintaining normal cardiovascular function, and helps support internal enzyme reactions.
  • Ningxia Red (2-3 oz. per day): NingXia Red is a nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that energizes, fortifies, and replenishes your body. NingXia Red is rich in wide-spectrum antioxidant activity and contains 1.4% of the branched chain amino acid L-leucine as well as significant amounts of tyrosine which is a key building block for dopamine production. Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain that decreases with age.
  • ImmuPro™: This power-packed formula combines naturally-derived immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides with a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders to deliver powerful antioxidant activity to help reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress from free radicals.*ImmuPro provides zinc and selenium for proper immune function* along with other chelated minerals which emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body. It also delivers melatonin which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body’s natural sleep rhythm.*With non-GMO dextrose instead of fructose and more Orange essential oil than ever, this formula delivers more of what you want and less of what you don’t! This delicious fruit-flavored chewable supplement also has the same great wolfberry flavor but with a new crunchy texture.
  • Essential Oils: Diffused and inhaled, applied topically, or even ingested, essential oils can trigger a cascade of psychophysiological effects that strengthen the body’s own ability to maintain homeostasis and sustain optimal well-being: Lavender, peppermint, cedar wood, myrrh, basil, Peace & Calming blend, Valor blend, Tranquil Blend (lavender, cedarwood, and chamomile), and Brain Power blend are often used to support the nervous system, so he has been using many of these (but mostly Peppermint, Abundance, Frankincense, and Valor). Essential oils also help one better cope with stress, which is a big factor with shaking hands.

After doing more research, James started using the following:

  • Young Living’s Multigreens Capsules: MultiGreens™ is a nutritious chlorophyll formula designed to boost vitality by working with the glandular, nervous, and circulatory systems.* MultiGreens is made with spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. MultiGreens contains L-tyrosine, which supports the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin.
  • Mineral Essence: A balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils. According to two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling PhD. “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Ionic minerals are the most fully and quickly absorbed form of minerals available.
  • Omegagize3 :combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). These supplements combine with our proprietary enhancement essential oil blend to create an omega-3, DHA-rich fish oil supplement that may support general wellness. Used daily these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health.*
  • Sulfurzyme provides a source of organic sulfur and helps support normal nervous system function and myelin sheath formation.

While James still experiences occasional shaking, his situation has significantly improved! We have found that prayer, combined with God’s gift of plants, flowers, and trees have truly changed the way we pursue answers to our family’s health needs.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)

Science is still baffled when it comes to the issues of life; but, we know that our Creator knows our intricate parts well. Jesus is our Great Physician, and His Creation declares His glory (Job 12:7–9). He has given us “their leaves for medicine” (Ezekiel 47:12) and the vegetation for the “service of man” (Psalm 104:14).

In James 1:17 we’re reminded that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.”

Thank you, Lord!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Susan Valdetero

    I too suffer from Essential Tremor. I have had it since I can remember. But, as you know, it gets progressively worse with age. I read your article and plan on trying what James is using. But could you give more detail on how you administer the oils?

    Which ones do you inhale? Which ones are you applying topically, and which ones is he taking orally?

    Thank you so much,

  2. Stacy McDonald

    My husband noticed dramatic results after beginning a regiment of 2 oz. NingXia Red per day, Young Living True Source, and regularly drinking water with a few drops of YL peppermint water in it. When he forgets (specifically the NingXia Red) I can always tell! He also cut down on his coffee intake (1-2 cups a day).

  3. Susan Valdetero

    I got my NingXia Red and Peppermint Oil from Young Living, but haven’t purchased the True Source yet. Do you remember how long it was before James noticed results? Immediately or did it take awhile? I have been taking the NingXia and Peppermint water, but have not noticed any results yet.

  4. James McDonald

    Hi Susan,

    Stacy mentioned your comment, so I thought I would reply. My symptoms didn’t subside right away, but after a month or so of using the oils, the supplements, and the NingXia Red, I noticed a major difference. I just realized one day that the tremors were significantly reduced. Even when serving communion, people would comment on my shaking hands.

    My coffee consumption has dropped (due to the peppermint water), my sleep has improved, and I don’t have the embarrassment/irritation I had before. My hands are steady when I drink a glass of water! Also, if I forget my NingXia Red or supplements, the tremors return – it is noticeable.

    I realize not all people are the same, but I know this program has been a great blessing to me.

    Hope that helps – and hang in there!


  5. Donna E

    I too have tremors but not very bad yet. My mother and several relatives on her side had them. I am drinking just 1 oz of NingXia Red a day and lemon in my water but I was wondering what peppermint oil did for the tremors. I tried it once in my water and like the lemon taste better. (I also had a large liver spot my right eye for about 35 years which has totally disappeared and I think the lemon water did that!) I do not drink coffee at all. Thank you.

  6. Terri Wilkinson

    My daughter was diagnosed with essential tremors at 16. I recently joined Young Living, so I am very interested in knowing what kind of oils I can use to help her. Thank you for sharing and I intend on trying everything you posted here.

  7. Sandy Mautz

    I’ve had the essential tremors for many years and just received my starter kit..I immediately started on theNingXia Red and was wondering if I can use anything topically instead of ingesting anything..I’m not great on drinking water with ANYTHING in it..Can you help?? I’ve heard that Basil oil is good, can it be used by inhaling and topically?

  8. Stacy McDonald

    Hi Sandy – My husband simply used the NingXia Red, True Source multis, and peppermint. I’m sure there are other things that will help, but that was what made a difference for him. Also, you can add the oils to your NingXia Red instead of water and it emulsifies better that way – or you can add oils to empty gel caps. I do that with oil blends like Digize, since I don’t like the taste.

  9. Dawn Meyer

    I’ve been using YL oils for a couple months now. I too have essential tremors and they are effecting my writing, eating, cooking, etc. I will be trying what James does. Thank you James for mentioning it wasn’t an immediate relief since I started the peppermint water a couple days ago and no relief yet. I’m also
    trying to go “wheat free” from my diet. I purchase organic when possible (located in an area where there is a VERY limited source) and I am vegetarian. I am looking forward to relief and less frustration.

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To get started using therapeutic-grade essential oils with your family, I recommend purchasing Young Living’s amazing Premium Starter Kit & get personalized help from me! Click here to shop!

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By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.