
Wake Me Up!

Wake Me Up!

Out of all the essential oils we enjoy in our home, I think peppermint is the most commonly utilized. One of the reasons I’m so thankful for its popularity in the McDonald household is because it finally broke my husband of his dependence on garbage energy drinks and cheap coffee when we’re on long road trips.

Now, he drinks (and adamantly prefers) pure Spring water with a couple of drops of peppermint in it! It keeps him alert and refreshed on those late night road trips! In addition, he uses it during the day while he’s studying and writing his sermons. He even uses it on our all-day Sundays at church instead of visiting the coffee station multiples times! Yay for peppermint!


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jordin

    Thank you for this information. I have very frequent (almost daily) headaches; doctors have been unsuccessful in finding the cause. Are there any other specific oils or combinations of oils that *you* recommend for headaches? On most websites, it seems like every single oil is supposed to help with headaches, but I’d like to know your opinion. Thank you!

  2. Starlie

    Thank you for sharing this article!! My family and I have been using peppermint oil for quite a while now and love it! It’s rarely failed to relieve a headache for us, it relieves muscle soreness, relieves congestion etc…plus, of course, the list of things you gave.
    Yay for peppermint oil! 😀

  3. Jordin

    Thank you for your insight! I’ll look up the ones you’ve suggested. I just joined Young Living and am having fun perusing the website. You’re right–these headaches are a trial–especially with two little ones in my care. I think my husband and I are mainly concerned about the fact that I regularly resort to taking ibuprofen and strong prescription migraine medication. I’d love to find something natural that works! I think the “Everyday Oils” kit is going on my Christmas list. 🙂

  4. Jenny Ervin

    Hi Stacy,
    Isn’t there a caution in using peppermint oil if you are breastfeeding? I had heard it could dry up my milk…is this true?

  5. Rhonda

    My husband had a severe case of poison ivy recently. He tried loads of OTC remedies, prescription creams, scrubs, etc. He found the greatest relief from itching after using YL’s Peppermint. It was fabulous!

  6. Stacy McDonald

    Hi Jordin,

    I’m sorry about your headaches. Chronic headaches can be such a trial. I pray your doctors will continue to pursue what’s causing them. I’ve found that, in our family, different oils work for different “types” of headaches (stress, hormonal, tension, dehydration, congestion, migraine etc.). For me, the stress/tension headaches responded best to Deep Relief. However, I’ve used other oils in a pinch that helped.

    The example I gave with the peppermint could have been a headache cause by either the air pressure in the airplane cabin or even dehydration; but it was amazing how fast it worked. For a migraine or for the burning hormonal headache I sometimes get, peppermint used in conjunction with M-Grain has worked well. Some people swear lavender helps their headaches, but I’ve never had any success with it (though lavender is fantastic for burns and other things).

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By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.