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Power Tools: Why Real Men Use Essential Oils

I’ve noticed that more women use essential oils than men. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s because women are more scent orientated than men. For instance, how many men do you see getting roses or cologne for their birthdays? Not many. While I know a lot of guys who enjoy things that smell good (especially food), most guys would rather have tools.

Beer And Pizza SeriesAlso, and I’m not entirely sure why, but, in many families, it seems women are more interested in issues of health and wellness than their husbands. While Mom talks about salads and organic chicken, Dad winks at the kids and sings of hamburgers and French fries.

I won’t venture into my theories of why this is, or talk too much about why it shouldn’t be this way; but, I will say there is hope for the men in your life. Men should be leading their families in all that is good and healthy, and that includes physical health and wellness…and even essential oils!

Maybe it’s because we who understand (and embrace the fact) that men and women are different have seen this modern Fred Flintstone phenomenon among men and just chalked it all up to the differences between men and women. As if women like what is good, healthy, and natural and men like what is bad, unhealthy and synthetic.

How insulting to men! I think we’ve been looking at it all wrong. Maybe some men have too! Essential oils aren’t feminine; they are tools—tools the Creator gave to us at Creation to accomplish many tasks. (Did you hear that guys? Tools—power tools!)

We see throughout Scripture that essential oils were intended for our good. This is one reason why James wrote in his epistle that if someone has a need, we should call the elders of the church—the elders, not their wives. And the elders should anoint them with oil and pray! Scripture is clear that God hears and answers simple prayers of faith!
High resolution conceptual water or dew drop falling from a green fresh leaf on a blue clear water making waves

In Psalm 104:14, we learn that when God gave us the trees and plants, it was for the “service of man.” You can see it throughout the Bible. Plants were used for food, for comfort, for shelter, and more.

The point is that oils were valued—they were considered precious. They were used in worship, for anointing those in need, for perfuming beds, for giving as treasured gifts, and for anointing kings and priests—again, they were valued!

Frankincense and Myrrh, as well as gold, were even brought to Jesus when he was a baby by the wise men.

Essential oils were brought to Jesus at his birth by men—wise men (Matthew 2:11)! And before his pending arrest and crucifixion, Jesus was anointed with the essential oil of Spikenard and enjoyed its soothing affects. Spikenard is known for its relaxing and calming effects (though I can’t say I enjoy the scent of this particular oil).

Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. (John 12:3)

Essential oils were also used by the officers of the Roman army. On the eve of a battle, the officers were massaged with a special blend of essential oils (this recipe is what Young Living’s blend, Valor, is based on). The aroma of the oils would calm their nerves and help them to focus their thoughts as they prepared for their martial duties. I suspect the oils did much more for their stamina and state of mind than we even realize!renegattefosse

In the modern era, it was a French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé, who rediscovered the powerful properties of essential oils. His work has been instrumental in bringing these gifts into modern focus.

When I first started using essential oils about 12 years ago, my husband used to tease me about my “snake oils.” But guess who got the last laugh when he started to see that they worked?

Slowly, he began to come to me asking if I had an oil for this or that. Then I started to hear him telling other people, “Oh, I bet Stacy has an oil for that!.” He discovered that essential oils were more than scented hippie oils!

My husband, James, now believes that men should use essential oils! They bring clarity of mind, relax the senses, and calm unsteady feelings. They boost romance, sooth muscles after exercise, and offer hundreds of other daily benefits.

Essential oils and essential oil-based products promote a level of well being that has been lost in our era of the “cheap fix.” Real men love essential oils because essential oils are power tools!

Here are just a few of my husband’s favorites…

Peppermint is our most used essential oil! Over a year ago, my husband, James, was drinking 5 to 6 cups of coffee each day. Then, he started drinking peppermint water. He adds 2 drops of peppermint to 20 ounces of water and sips it during th
e day, and loves it!

His coffee consumption has dropped to 1 to 2 cups and his concentration has improved! He is finally able to enjoy a good night’s sleep! He also uses it (along with NingXia Red) on long road trips instead of sugary, dye-filled, caffeine-infused energy drinks!

Lemon is a staple around here. James likes to put a drop or two in his water at dinner to aid in digestion. Not only does it taste great, but it supports the normal function of the kidneys and helps to alkalize the body.

Sandalwood is high in sesquiterpenes and has been researched in Europe for its powerful abilities toCouple relaxing in a hammock and enjoying starry skysupport a part of the brain known as the pineal gland, the seat of our emotions.

The pineal gland is responsible for releasing melatonin, which enhances deep sleep. Sandalwood also supports normal nervous and circulatory systems and is used for skin revitalization. James applies a drop or two near his cheek bones each night. He breathes normally and relaxes. This oil also happens to be my very favorite scent as a cologne! So, I love it when he uses it before retiring for the night!

Cypress, or one of the blends that use it as a base, has been helpful to James when he needs to study. It also helps to support normal circulation.

Ginger is a great oil to support digestion. While he does not travel like he used to in years past, it is still a good oil to have on hand for long trips.

Frankincense is one that James uses to anoint people when he prays for them. It has been considered a holy anointing oil throughout church history. Frankincense is stimulating and elevating to the mind, and helps one to better cope with everyday stress.

And then, there are the many oil blends. Here are his favorites in that category…

Deep Relief and PanAway – These are both oil blends specially formulated to sooth muscles after a good work out. This is very helpful after a day of yard work…or playing ball with the children!

Valor is an empowering combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils that works with both the physical and emotional aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and clarity in the face of adversity or challenge. This blend is based on an oil recipe used by the Romans before a battle.

Shutran is an amazing blend that is awakening men and pleasing couples everywhere!

DiGize  – James keeps this important oil blend on hand when traveling out of the country.

Other oils favored by men: Vetiver, Jasmine, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Transformation, Black Spruce, and Abundance.

And lastly, there is the real energy drink, NingXia Red. James enjoys this naturally delicious, nutrient-infused wolfberry drink every morning. NingXia Red combines the finest whole Ningxia wolfberries, blueberries, raspberries, red grapes and lemon and orange essential oils. And it contains fiber, protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is not only delicious, it is a powerful antioxidant-rich infusion which offers health, energy, and longevity!

So, for his birthday this year, instead of buying him a chain saw, get him started on essential oils; that way he’ll have the strength to use a manual saw, which is much cheaper and better for him. You’re welcome.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Louise Malbon-Reddix

    Thank You! How refreshing to see your references to biblical history. That should convince those who are not sure about using essential oils. There is certainly historical evidence for the in this.

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To get started using therapeutic-grade essential oils with your family, I recommend purchasing Young Living’s amazing Premium Starter Kit & get personalized help from me! Click here to shop!

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By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.