When I think back to when I got started with Young Living, I realize how I could have easily dismissed the whole potential ahead of me. In fact, as many of you know, I was against doing Young Living as a business…but those OILS!!!!
The oils WORKED, so what was I going to do with THAT? They were helping my family and me in some pretty dramatic ways, so there was no way I couldn’t talk about it. My friends knew something was happening.
I viewed my growing essential oil knowledge as an extension of my ministry to women. I couldn’t get these kinds of results and NOT talk about it—not share it! God was giving me answers and I had to tell somebody or burst!
I’ve always been a writer who writes “by ear.” In other words, I can write about what I’m passionate about—what’s real and genuine to me. When God puts something on my heart, the words flow fast and free! But if my heart isn’t in it, my writing is a flop. I sit and stare at the screen and can’t think of a thing to say.
I found God’s gift of essential oils inspiring. I loved the idea (and felt loved by the idea) that God provided for so many of our needs through His gift of the trees, plants, herbs, and flowers—gifts that that He spoke into existence at Creation.
“Then God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind…See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed…’” Genesis 1:29; 1:11
When I embraced the fact that God didn’t just create all of this to decorate the earth or to provide us with housing and shelter, or even to simply fill our bellies, it was a life-changer! God created our oils “for the service of man!” (Psalm 104:14) He designed the intricate, molecular masterpiece hidden within each plant for a grander purpose—a purpose we’re still in the process of discovering!
“Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” Ezekiel 47:12
This was never about a business for me. But because it became a business—because that first “accidental paycheck” became a deliberate effort that grew into a thriving organization, it’s allowed me to help thousands more than ever would have been possible without it.
Over the years, I’ve taught hundreds of classes, written hundreds of articles and posts, and nurtured and trained thousands of amazing leaders. It took a lot of hard work and focus, but when you enjoy what you’re doing—when you’re so passionate about what you’ve been called to that you would be doing much of it whether or not you got paid, it hardly feels like work!
The Common Scents lifestyle we enjoy also allowed my husband to retire, and created a freedom
that has touched every area of our life together: Our finances, our stress load, our family, our ministry, our time choices, and our overall health! It’s freed us in areas where we didn’t even realize we were in bondage!
And now we get the overwhelming honor and satisfaction of helping others to do exactly what I did! We’ve established many of our children, family members, close friends, and friends who started out as strangers in businesses of their own—many that are now thriving, growing, and providing for them and their households in some of the same amazing ways!*
We have a team of Crown Diamonds, Diamonds, Platinums, Golds, Silvers, Executives, and a whole slew of growing Senior Stars! Y’all are amazing!
Since I first joined, I have personally enrolled 850 members. So many of you are approaching and achieving the upper ranks and becoming true blue leaders in your own right! We are so proud of all that you’ve accomplished and we can’t wait to see each of you get to that next level! You absolutely, 100% CAN do this! And we want to see you make it happen! ❤️
Please read: Young Living Income Disclosure Statement
*Every single person and situation is unique. There are no guaranteed fast tracks to success! To truly succeed in any business, it takes hard work, passion, persistent effort, patience, vision, and tenacity! Can you do this while working your current job? Yes! Can you do this with lots of children at home? Yes; I did! Do you have to do it full time? No way!
That’s the beauty of it – it’s your business. So feel free to stay in the shallow end and make only enough to pay for your oils. Or, if you have greater vision, dive into the deep end and learn to swim with the pros!
Can I guarantee your success? Nope! Your success is ultimately up to you! But I can help equip you with the support, knowledge, and opportunity to stand on my shoulders! Let’s talk!