
Your Body on Junk Food

Our motives for healthy living shouldn’t be all wrapped up in looking good or being strong and impressive. And eating healthy isn’t some sort of cool ticket into the “Organics ‘R Us” club. All food used to be organic!

Beer And Pizza SeriesSome people eat junk food and immediately get fat. Others can eat like a Texan at a back yard barbecue and never gain an ounce. But, when you eat food empty of nutrition and loaded with dyes and harmful chemicals and preservatives, you may be harming other parts of your body and creating real, long-term damage. Your bathroom scale is not a good indicator of how healthy you are.

Our motivation should be all about glorifying God. If God’s people are perpetually sick, weak, diseased, or dead how will we effectively influence, transform, and bless the world with the beauty and power of the Gospel?

That is not to say that Christians can’t glorify God while they are sick; but, when we take for granted the health that God has given to us by indulging in an unhealthy lifestyle, then we are tempting God and rightly inheriting minimized health, and possibly illness.

Those of us who grew up on Frankenberry and Ding Dongs learned to love the taste of dirt. But, I’ve found that as we begin to eat right, we develop a taste for what is fresh, wholesome, and nourishing. Our palates “heal” and we learn to appreciate and distinguish the “good stuff” from the pink sugared cardboard.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

We need more Christians to stop pretending like it’s cool, funny, or cute to love and eat junk food. It’s not good stewardship of our bodies (or the bodies of our children) to be careless about what we eat or expose our bodies to, or to live like popping pills for every ailment is perfectly okay.

It’s not “godlier” to ignore healthy eating (because “God is sovereign” and we’re “all going to die aCitrus lemonade in pitcher and glass of citrus around on blue wonyway”). Reject that “I’m above all that” attitude and take your health seriously!

It is true that we should neither be fearful or obsessed nor rude, allowing food to be a fellowship breaker; but, giving thanks to God for His good gifts and utilizing them to His glory is simply wise stewardship, and shows an appreciation for His care of us.

“Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!…Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, were afflicted. Their soul abhorred all manner of food, and they drew near to the gates of death.

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare His works with rejoicing.” (Psalm 107:15–22)

Junk food isn’t cool. And if you think it actually tastes good, then perhaps it just proves that you have indoctrinated your stomach and tastebuds into developing a taste for dirt.

Juicy, organic, free-range, herb-roasted chicken or…animal shaped chicken nuggets and ketchup?Cheese Variety

Organic, grass-fed beef with melted garlic butter or… a Whopper with Cheese?

Flamed Creme Brûlée or… a jelly filled donut?

Organic white cheddar, fresh figs, local honey, and a good glass of merlot or… spray cheese and Mountain Dew?

A relaxing massage with aromatic essential oils or…popping pills with dangerous side effects?

Ah…the good life!

Sunshine, stress reduction, exercise, clean water, organic whole foods, a detoxed household, prayer, healthy relationships, clean air, whole food supplements, and the use of essential oils are all wonderful elements of a healthy lifestyle!

Are you ready to embrace a healthy lifestyle? Or, are you planning to continue with toxic habits; and then, when your health starts to fail because of it, expecting a quick-and-easy magic fix? There are no quick fixes, but if you’re still breathing, it’s not too late to begin to make healthy lifestyle changes, and drastically improve your health!

Think about it. If you’re ready to dump the junk and embrace a healthy lifestyle, contact me.


To get started using therapeutic-grade essential oils with your family, I recommend purchasing Young Living’s amazing Premium Starter Kit & get personalized help from me! Click here to shop!

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By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.