your stay at home
dream job
How I Got Started
In 2010, when a friend sent me my first sample of oils, I discovered the huge difference between the essential oils I had been using and the “good stuff.” I was blown away by the difference in Young Living’s superior quality. I had always assumed all oils were basically the same; but, the amazing results I began to experience in my own family proved me wrong!
Young Living oils are pure and expertly grown and distilled…this is what made the difference! And I used them for everything! My husband finally stopped calling them my “snake oils” and started (sheepishly) asking me what oil would work for whatever his needs were! Ha!

But, beyond the health benefits, I discovered that God had so much more in store for us! He not only wanted me to use the oils for myself and my family, He also expected me to share what I had discovered with others! And, in the process, I found that Young Living could be a source of income for our family, as well as for many of our friends!
A stay-at-home mom's dream biz
At the time, I was a pastor’s wife and a homeschooling mom of a large family with many little ones at home. I was convinced that I didn’t have time to “sell” anything (and hated the word “sell”), so, I resisted the business aspect of Young Living for quite a while. But these oils worked…and I couldn’t shut up about it! So I simply used my oils, wrote about them on my blog, and talked about them with anyone who would listen. Literally, anyone! I became known as the “oil lady” wherever I went.
After referring a few friends, I simply earned enough to cover the cost of my oils, plus a little extra (I could finally afford some of that organic food I wanted); but, as I learned a little about structure and became more deliberate with my sharing habits (talking, teaching, and writing about the oils etc.), it became clear that I was already building a growing, thriving organization. But it was so fun and satisfying I hardly realized it was work!

And it only got better! Other stay-at-home moms—moms who absolutely loved their oils—started to contact me with questions about how to make a side business with Young Living. Some of them had already “accidentally” earned their first paychecks too, and they were ready to become more deliberate. Others were interested more out of necessity—they needed more income in their households for various reasons (husband’s layoff, medical needs, debt, etc.).
Before I knew it, I had a growing group of leaders who were in turn establishing their own strong leaders. And it continued to grow…like crazy!
Reasons to Consider a Home Business
with Young Living
- Low cost investment
- Invest as much or as little time as you want!
- Travel opportunities
- Help from your leaders
- Self-paced efforts
- Helps and serves others
- Finances your family’s healthy lifestyle
- Tax benefits
- No bookkeeping
- No inventory to manage
- No employees to manage
- No shipping
- Stay-at-home mom (and daughter) friendly
- Stay-at-Home dad (and son) friendly
- Homeschool family-friendly

Whether you’re simply interested in earning extra income or you are ready to work hard to establish a thriving Young Living business, I am eager to help you get started!*
Contact me at or text me at 309-450-9711. I am so excited for you!
In the beginning, I certainly made my share of mistakes. You can benefit by learning from them! Feel free to listen to my story of Mistakes I made on My Journey to Royal Crown Diamond
*Remember that everyone’s experience will be different. Success in any endeavor is not guaranteed; but is dependent upon hard work, timing, talent, opportunity, and God’s blessing.
This Post Has 4 Comments
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I just recently read your info. How delightful! I have used essential oils but am interested in asking about young life products.
1) How does the quality of young life essential oils differ from other brands of ess. oils?
2) Is there a price list I may look at?
3) Are there any min. orders that must be made in a month (or year, etc.) to get paid?
Please include any other info you feel may be useful.
Thank you for you time!
I absolutely love your website and your message.
I have been a working mom for 5 years, running a home-based t-shirt printing business, while raising my two kids. I saved years of paying for daycare and providing an excellent example to them of how hard work pays off. We all save money together because we all see mommy working very hard for it.
Thank you for sharing this information.
I was glad to find this website, I have had essential tremors from as far back as child and with age gets worse. Yes God knows the inner parts of our bodies and can reach there too!
Thank you.
You are very welcome! Praise the Lord!