Brand New Training from Young Living to onboard your Brand Partners!!!
Available in the new YL Essentials App and directly HERE. Take a few minutes, go through the training and download the assets!
Download on Apple and Android to get all collateral (pics, videos, graphics, PIPs, FAQs) and education for products, new programs, business training, promos, and more! This is where you get all you need to know about your YL business!
SHAREYL 10% off code
We now have a friends and family code! Your new customers and BPs can use the code SHAREYL for 10% off their first 50pv order!
Customers now can share their referral link and get 25% back in product credit!!!!!!
Brand Partner Upgrade
$1 Business Essentials Kit
They will be removing this completely and allowing people to opt in to being a BP free of charge without buying anything. The $1 is just until that happens (very soon).
We will eventually be paying weekly! (coming soon!)
Brand new Make A Shift Kit (plus 2 revamped Ningxia and Thieves kits)
Our most massive season of growth was when we all focused on the same entry point, trained on the same kit, and it was SIMPLE and DUPLICATABLE.
Make a Shift: Essential Solution Kit
Item no: 44357
Wholesale: $112
PV: 112
($100 with SHAREYL Code for new customers and BPs)
The Make a Shift Essential Solutions Kit includes: Thieves essential oil blend, 5 ml
Purification essential oil blend, 5 ml
Lavender essential oil, 5 ml
Peppermint essential oil, 5 ml
Deep Relief Roll-On, 10 ml
Stress Away Roll-On, 10 ml
FreshStart Diffuser (exclusive to this kit!)
Product insert with simple tips for using everything in the kit
Retail Value: $144.74
Make a Shift: Daily Wellness Kit
Item no: 44655
Wholesale: $112
PV: 112
($100 with SHAREYL Code for new customers and BPs)
NingXia 30 ct sachets
Nitro 14 ct
Orange Vitality
Lime Vitality
Retail Value: $204.60
Make a Shift: Happy, Healthy Home Kit
Item no: 44656
Wholesale: $112
PV: 112
($100 with SHAREYL Code for new customers and BPs)
Thieves essential oil blend, 15 ml
Lemon essential oil , 15 ml
Thieves Household Cleaner 14.4 oz. + Amber Spray Bottle
Thieves Laundry Soap
Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub
Thieves Dish Soap, 12 oz.
Retail Value: $214.14
All 3 kits – photos and IG stories:
How to shop:
July 13–15, in-person and virtual convention attendees can get the kit on a one-time order.
July 17 at 9 a.m. MT, all new and existing Customers and Brand Partners can get the kit on a one-time or loyalty order.
There is a limit of one kit per person.
This kit is available for the U.S. market only
- Earn prizes each month when you enroll 2 people per month with a 100pv LR order!!!!
- Enroll 2 for 2 consecutive months – YL branded Saranoni blanket
Each month is a new gift!!! The more you are consecutive – you’ll earn even more gifts!
Dominican Republic
March 24, 2024
– No rank requirement to win
– 1 point for a new enrollment of customer or BP with 100pv on LR
– 1 points when a new customer or BP places their second consecutive 100pv order on LR
– 3 points when a new customer or BP places their third consecutive 100pv order on LR
– 5 points for personally achieving new rank
– 3 points for maintain that new rank the second month
– 5 points for a personally enrolled brand partner achieving new rank
Farms and Corp Seed to Seal website – revamped!
– We now have COA and testing for our oils in the digital library – see the seed to seal site for more!!!
Part of the Slave-Free Alliance – an organization that helps businesses protect their operations, supply chains and people from modern slavery and labour exploitation. YL has always had this as a forefront in their mission and practices but has officially become part of SFA.
Partnered with Route for packaging tracking
Partnered with an amazing and sustainable ROSEWOOD farm!!!!! Original Valor is back!
– 92% of businesses fail in the first year
– 98% of direct sales companies don’t make it past 6 years
– Young Living is 29 years old
– 44% of Americans report having a side hustle in 2023- up 13% from 2020
– 43% of those working on a side hustle say they need the money to pay primary expenses
– 47% of enrollments join ER/LR on first order- up from 23% on 1/1/22!
– The US market went from 23% to 55% enrolling on LR in the last year!!!!!
– 113,000 customers order a Ningxia product for the first time within the last year
– 145,667 customers donate to the Young Living Foundation within the last year
– 75 million bottles of oil shipped in 2023, which is just over 400 tons of oil
– 90+% monthly autoship retention. HIGHEST IN THE INDUSTRY
– 2 million families will bring a Young Living product into their home in 2023
– 1 MILLION orders on average per month – that’s over 33,000 orders a day!
– Young Living pays an average of 130,000 people every month just in the Americas region
– 27 million checks issued since 2003
– Young Living has paid $6.3 billion in commissions since 2003
– As of 5/1/23, 70% of orders were placed on LR/ER- up from 55% on 1/1/2019