“Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.” (Ezek. 47:12)
Their Leaves for Healing
By Elizabeth Flores
Has God created some plants to be natural medicines the same way He has created some to be food? If so, then Christians might ask themselves this: If medicinal plants are His gifts to us, are they not “good and perfect” (James 1:17) for healing and wellness?
This book is about the amazing healing power of the essential oils of medicinal plants. It is based on the belief that essential oils are God’s provision for healing mankind and reveal the glory of His creation.
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To order hard copies of the book, Their Leaves for Healing, call 309-450-9711
If you’re interested in ordering the essential oils described in this book at wholesale prices (with no obligation to sell anything), please CLICK HERE to learn more about how, as well as to find out about another free book offer!