
Garden of Prayer

God gave us our five senses for a reason. During communion we taste the water and the wine. He could have made everything taste the same, but He chose to give us hundreds of different plants and animals to enjoy, and He designed us with the creativity to find delicious ways to prepare them.

He could have given us a bland, boring landscape to look at, but instead, He made the world a beautiful canvas filled with vibrant colors, shapes, and textures.

He could have made us to communicate telepathically or in monotone. But He not only gave us voices to communicate with one another, and sing His praise, He created a planet buzzing with sound! Birds that sing, oceans that roar, thunder that cracks, and children who laugh when they play!

He could have created us without nerve endings, making us immune to pain, but He wanted us to feel the grass under our feet, the warm feel of a cozy fire, and the breath of our newborn babies.

CLICK HERE to download and print a pdf sheet of recipes cards (print front and back on Avery postcards #8387).

And He could have created a world without scent – or at least without making so many delicious aromas for us to enjoy. He gave us an amazing gift when He blessed us with with the plants and trees at Creation. Adam and Eve enjoyed a beautiful and fragrant existence in the Garden of Eden, surrounded by the therapeutic aromas of hundreds of plants, trees, and flowers.

And, inside each of those aromatic plants, He locked a precious gift—the gift of essential oils. He created the plants this way for our benefit! In Psalm 104:14, we’re told that God made the plants and trees (literally) for the “service of man!”

About ten years ago, I started placing a drop of one of the oils of Ancient Scripture on a page from my Bible. That way, whenever I sat down to have my quiet time, it triggered a feeling of sacredness – a time set apart to connect with, experience, and bond with my God!

Of course, whether or not my Bible smells like ancient oils, it’s just as special and sacred because it’s God’s living Word! But I love that while I’m communing with God, I can smell the plants and oils He made at Creation, just like Adam and Eve did when they walked with Him in the Garden before the Fall.

These blends also make awesome anointing oils for anointing the sick, anointing at weddings, births, and even deaths. Throughout Scripture anointing played a significant role in the lives of God’s people.

CLICK HERE to download and print a sheet of my free misting spray labels on Avery label template #64503.

My Misting Spray recipes are designed for you to do something similar. Just spritz the pages of your Bible and enjoy the distinct aroma every time you have your quiet time. I suggest only using this recipe for your Bible, so that your body is gently triggered into a posture of prayer and biblical focus when you smell it.

Another blend I like to make is super easy to remember. If you have Young Living’s Ancient Oils of Scripture Collection, simply mix together one drop of each oil (except Cassia). I leave Cassia out because it usually steals the show and dominates the whole blend.

Either blend makes a beautiful pillow spray too. So you could use one for your Bible and the other for your pillow. Enjoy!

order your oils!

Click the image above to order the oils contained in the recipes. If you order through me, and you're a brand new customer, please let me know and I'll send you a coupon code for 10% off, and send you a free Bible Mist glass spray bottle like the one featured in this post, as well as a welcome box filled with goodies to get you started

Trigger the Truth

Text HEALING to 309-450-9711 for a free download and/or CLICK HERE to participate in 14-days of Truth Drops exercises for free (similar to those in my book, Truth Drops). Each day for 14 days, I’ll send a single daily Truth Drop to your inbox to use with your selected essential oil(s) every morning and evening.

It’s a great way to experience the life-changing habit of speaking the truth over yourself. So oil up and get ready! A Drop a Day, Keeps the Lies Away!

Text healing to 309-450-9711 


CLICK HERE to get 14 days of Daily Drops for FREE!

Order Truth Drops Below…

Feel free to download and print THIS TWO-SIDED FLYER to share the gift of Truth Drops with friends who want to renew their minds!

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To get started using therapeutic-grade essential oils with your family, I recommend purchasing Young Living’s amazing Premium Starter Kit & get personalized help from me! Click here to shop!

You may notice that I sometimes link to products for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Additionally, I am a Young Living Brand Partner, and your wellness purchases through my links help support my small business. Thank you for your support!

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By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor replace current medical treatment or drugs prescribed by your healthcare professional. The statements made have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.