A few years ago, while on my Journey Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue, I found myself waking up every night between 3-4:00 a.m. I started worrying about the kids, all the things I had forgotten to do the day before, all the things I was failing to do right, that closet I was supposed to clean out last week, and the list went on.
But everyone needs a good night’s sleep, right? Sleep affects everything! My husband and I have travelled out of the country a few times, and I’ve experienced the whole jet lag thing. Yikes – I felt like I was on drugs – that awful buzzy feeling!

Also, note the difference in our attitudes regarding conflict in a relationship. If we try to have one of “those” conversation when exhausted, it likely won’t go well. Mysteriously, once we’ve had a good night’s sleep, our outlook can be completely transformed!
But a lack of sleep can affect more than just our attitudes! Stress levels, energy, skin, a properly functioning immune system, your looks, and even digestion and weight, can be adversely affected by not getting a healthy amount of sleep! So, what are some practical things you can do to help make “sweet dreams” more than a bedtime salutation?
According to the Sleep Foundation, Using smartphones, laptops, tablets, or other electronic devices – even watching a movie right before bed “delays your body’s internal clock…suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and makes it more difficult to fall asleep.”
This not only gets in the way of the natural sleep cycle hard wired into our bodies, it can also get in the way of physical intimacy with your spouse.
Instead, start preparing for sleep at least an hour before bed by reading a book, listening to peaceful music, diffusing an essential oil, chatting with family, or sipping on chamomile tea. This promotes a healthy environment for everyone, and makes a good night’s sleep more likely.
CortiStop® is a proprietary dietary supplement designed to help the body relax naturally. When under stress, the body produces cortisol. When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative health consequences. CortiStop supports the glandular systems of women.*
Take 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast. If desired, for extra benefits, take another two capsule before retiring. Use daily for 8 weeks. Discontinue use for 2-4 weeks before once more resuming.
Sleep Essence™
SleepEssence contains four powerful Young Living essential oils that have unique sleep-enhancing properties in a soft gel vegetarian capsule for easy ingestion. Combining Lavender, Vetiver, Valerian, and Rue essential oils with melatonin—a well-known sleep aid—SleepEssence is a natural way to enable a full night’s rest.*
Take 1–2 soft gels 30–60 minutes before bedtime.**
RutaVaLa Roll-On
RutaVaLa Essential Oil Roll-On utilizes a proprietary blend of Ruta, Lavender, and Valerian essential oils.
Although Lavender and Valerian essential oils are well known, the Young Living RutaVaLa oil blend includes the less well known—yet still effective—Ruta oil.
The Ruta graveolens herb is farmed, harvested, and distilled at Young Living’s Ecuador farm. RutaVaLa oil is formulated to create a refreshing aroma that can be quickly and conveniently applied to your wrists, neck, or temples. Honestly, the scent of this one is not my favorite, but it works! And some people love it, and even use it as a perfume!
A Relaxing Evening Bath
A warm soak in a hot bath filled with essential oil-infused Epsom Salts or one of Young Living’s relaxing bath bombs could be just what you need to prepare for those sweet (and lasting) dreams!
Have a warm, soft robe ready when you get out, and try to head straight to bed to avoid getting re-stimulated by technology, sugar, or the “cares of life.”
Check out the following articles for relaxing oil-infused bath ideas:
The Power of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
I use a variety of essential oils at bedtime. Here are just a few of my favorites…
Peace & Calming®
Peace & Calming® is a gentle, sweet blend of Ylang Ylang, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy and is one of Young Living’s most popular essential oil blends. With a calming, sweet aroma, this blend is one you’ll love using during your children’s bedtime, as well as your own!
Vetiver Essential Oil
I nicknamed this powerhouse “The Anti-Psycho Chick” oil! This exotic, earthy single oil is a favorite for me day and night. It was particularly cherished during my adrenal fatigue journey. Note: My husband is not allowed to use this nickname for my oil! Imagine…”Honey, do you want me to go get your…”
The aroma is earthy, sweet, and full of life! It reminds me of an early morning walk through a lush green forest filled with damp grasses, ferns, and wild herbs.
See Quieting the Mind with Vetiver for more on this powerful essential oil!
Stress Away™
This sweet, slightly citrusy blend of essential oils is formulated with Lime, vanilla, copaiba, Lavender, Cedarwood, and other pure essential oils for a well-rounded and relaxing aroma that gently calms the mind, making it great for anyone who feels their thoughts or emotions easily go on overdrive!
Includes the naturally occurring constituents beta-caryophyllene, alpha-humulene, limonene, cedrol, and linalool. Can be diffused, applied topically, and even used as a personal fragrance.
Scented Sheets
Make your bed a peaceful, aromatic haven by lightly spraying your sheets and blankets with essential oil-infused linen spray! And don’t forget your towels for wrapping up after a relaxing bath! Click the link below for my easy DIY Linen Spray recipe!
So if you’re ready to support a healthy sleep, quiet your mind, and erase all those imaginary worst-case-scenarios that hit you in the middle of the night, click GET STARTED to get 24% off every time you order!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
**Do not operate heavy machinery for 8-10 hours after using Sleep Essence. Follow instructions on label before using.s