Invite your guests to create easy and fun DIY crafts for your next event. Not only does it demonstrate the use and value of our Premium Starter Kit, it also adds a lot of fun to your gatherings!
Plus, it’s a way for guests to “pay for their own” samples. Be sure to remind them that while they can make a roller with just a few drops of essential oil, the Premium Starter Bundle contains over 1000 drops! Always demonstrate the value! Click to print the flyer below:
Download and print the page below and slip into an acrylic sign to offer people easy instructions.
Click on the image below to download and print my Wellness Bar Label Collection below for free. Use Avery waterproof labels template #64500.

Make DIY Bath Shots
Visit my Bath Shot How-to page to find out how to create a fun vendor booth or DIY station at your next event. You'll find plenty of free downloadable resources and everything you need to make a memorable event and grow your business!